Bitte um einen Gegenbeweis oder um Applaus. (Leider muss ich schnell sein, sonst accountiert es irgendein Idiot)
1. Suggestion: „Force is the derivate of (kinetic) Energy due the distance in one direction“
2. Sentence: Forces are only appering as a pair with the sum of forces = zero at the same point of time (also a lesson by Jean Ronde d´Alembert) (actio = reactio; third Newtons Law)
3. Proof: by defintions:
² (kinetic Energy; a unit of conservation; it is a state) (impuls, also a unit of conservation, it is a state) (the most basic form of Newtons Law, it has to be handled as a vector)
d/dv = (½ ² ) d/dv ½)
d/ds = (½ (s/t)²) d/ds *s/t² ONLY IN ONE DIRECTION
It is possible to derivate a state due the distance, but you can not always return by an integral. It is in common accepted by second Newtons law, that the derivate of a force due the time becomes the impuls. It is in common accepted, that the integral of a force leads to the impuls between two points of time. Therefore, you always has to discuss your result. Never forget the integral constant especially to the aspect of forces it is very important because of the force of friction in a real mechanic motion (on our planet mother earth). Please notice: The result will become only a theoretic force without any friction and only in one of the both directions. For proofing a result in a mechanic problem, the energy sentence is not recommended, therefore the power sentence is always the best choice!
Für alle, die mir helfen möchten (automatisch von OnlineMathe generiert): "Ich benötige bitte nur das Ergebnis und keinen längeren Lösungsweg." |
Wofür willst du Applaus? ich seh im Moment keinen direkten Fehler, nur ungeschickte Formulierungen. z.B."unit of conservation" was soll hier unit heissen? Dein Englisch ist nicht kompetent, also warum englisch schreiben. Und irgendwie ist es sicher nicht besser als jedes Lehrbuch, oder soll das nur für dich als Merkzettel dienen? Also nenn den Adressaten , und verwende übliche Konventionen, nicht Ed/dv sondern dE/dv z. B. Gruß ledum